The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) publishes its final rule outlining the criteria and processes for it annual review of fees established and collected by FirstNet—a review that will not include an assessment of end-user fees for subscriptions, according to an NTIA spokesman.
Under the 2012 law that created FirstNet as the entity to build and maintain a nationwide public-safety broadband network, NTIA—the federal agency that houses FirstNet in the U.S. government—is required to review FirstNet’s proposed fees each year, and the fees only may be assessed after being approved by NTIA. One statutory requirement is that FirstNet be a self-sustaining network, and the review process is designed to ensure this is a reality, according to Leonard Bechtel, NTIA’s director of administration and chief financial officer.
“NTIA’s fee-review program will ensure that FirstNet achieves self-sustainability through a reasonable fee structure,” Bechtel said in a prepared statement.
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