ESChat to deploy wireless carrier agnostic Broadband Push-to-Talk (PTT) with ISSI Interoperability to the City of Boulder’s P25 public safety radio network.
ESChat today announced it has been awarded a contract to provide Broadband Push-to-Talk service, including ISSI interoperability with the City of Boulder’s P25 LMR network. The order includes ESChat servers that will be hosted at the city’s facilities and co-located with the P25 public safety Land Mobile Radio (LMR) system. The system will provide encrypted voice communication between LTE smartphones, personal computers, dispatch consoles and P25 radio users.
The ESChat network uses an advanced Over the Top architecture that supports broadband users on all wireless carriers and allows users to communicate across carriers, without the need for third-party gateway or interface solutions. This means that public safety agencies can each select the wireless carrier of their preference, taking advantage of the coverage and performance enhancements offered without worrying about blocked or degraded cross-agency communications.
The Boulder system includes the following standard features of ESChat; AES-256 Encrypted Push to Talk voice, AES-256 Encrypted Multimedia Messaging, and Live and Historical (bread crumb) Location Tracking and Mapping.
ESChat is FirstNet Certified™ on both the Android and iOS platforms, and enhanced by the Quality of Service, Priority and Preemption (“QPP”) available to FirstNet subscribers. ESChat also supports Quality of Service (“QoS”) and RAN priority enhancements on the Verizon Wireless and AT&T commercial networks. ESChat is approved for U.S. military operational use by the Defense Information Systems Agency (“DISA”).
First commercially deployed in partnership with Verizon in 2008, ESChat has developed as the market leader in Broadband Push-to-Talk services. With a focus on interoperability, ESChat supports standards-based interfaces to Land Mobile Radio (LMR), dispatch consoles and call recording systems. ESChat provides:
- Inter-Carrier Interoperability: Native PTT communication between public safety users operating on different wireless carriers and/or WiFi Networks, without the need for costly third party hardware or software gateway products.
- Inter System Interoperability: Secure PTT communication between ESChat users on broadband networks (3G, 4G, 5G, WiFi) and narrow-band LMR networks, regardless of LMR technology or operating frequency band, utilizing standards-based interfaces to ensure reliable and interoperable communications.
- Inter-Vendor Interoperability: PTT communication between ESChat and any other broadband PTT product, including 3GPP MCPTT through the use of standards-based interfaces to ensure reliable and interoperable communications.
About ESChat:
ESChat ( is the leading solution for carrier independent Secure Push to Talk (PTT) over LTE communications. ESChat includes AES-256 encrypted PTT voice and multimedia (text and image) messaging. ESChat also provides live and historical (bread crumb) tracking and mapping. ESChat is approved for U.S. military operational use by the Defense Information Systems Agency (“DISA”). ESChat is a FirstNet Certified™ solution, and enhanced by Quality of Service, Priority and Preemption (“QPP”) available to FirstNet subscribers. ESChat also supports Quality of Service (“QoS”) and RAN priority enhancements on the Verizon Wireless and AT&T commercial networks.
Used by all branches of the U.S. Military, as well as federal, state and local public safety agencies, ESChat is able to operate over and across any wireless network, including all commercial carriers, private 3G/4G/5G networks and WiFi. ESChat supports standards-based interoperability with LMR radio networks, including P25 via the native Inter RF Subsystem Interface (“ISSI”) protocol and DMR via the native Inter Application Interface Specification (“AIS”) protocol. ESChat also supports interoperability via RoIP to all LMR radio networks, regardless of radio technology or operating frequency band.
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