Public-safety entities in the state of Ohio hope to begin testing an interoperability solution that is designed to link FirstNet push-to-talk service with Harris P25 systems—and possibly a Tait P25 network—by leveraging P25 Inter RF Subsystem Interface (ISSI) technology, according to officials involved in the project.
SOURCE: Urgent Communications
DATE: APRIL 26, 2019
Alan Close, owner of Cleveland Communications (CCI)—the Harris dealer that has spearheaded the interoperability initiative—said that his company began working with the city of Parma, Ohio, in 1989, when Parma installed one of the first EDACS LMR systems in the country. Today, Cleveland Communications is working with Parma—now a customer with a Harris P25 Phase 1 system operating on VIDA core—to interconnect the city and other local entities to the FirstNet public-safety LTE system being built by AT&T.
“We’ve helped Harris write the book on migrating to P25,” Close said during an interview with IWCE’s Urgent Communications. “Now, we’re helping Harris and AT&T get together to try to write the book on how to interoperate between land mobile radio and FirstNet system, with the convergence of all the technologies that are both coming and currently available to the folks that use LMR and FirstNet.
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