Looking Back: The Ultimate Stress Test for FirstNet

AT&T hosting FirstNet forum event to showcase how FirstNet has supported public safety during their day-to-day operations and response to a range of emergency events over the last year

The event will include a fireside chat with police leaders led by Ed Parkinson, CEO of FirstNet Authority, and a panel discussion with FirstNet subscribed agencies facilitated by Jason Porter, President for Public Safety and FirstNet Program at AT&T.

For more information including panel members please click on the button below.



2 Comments on "Looking Back: The Ultimate Stress Test for FirstNet"

  1. At the FirstNet Forum, when discussing the “Ultimate Stress Test” please explain why I, as a FirstNet cell phone User in Huntsville Alabama, was unable to place or receive ANY kind of phone calls in the immediate aftermath of the Christmas bombing in Nashville.

    • Tom,

      we at allthingsfirstnet.com do not have direct involvement nor are a part of AT&T or FirstNet. We would suggest joining the forum or contacting FirstNet through their site.

      ATFN Staff

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