Recent 4G LTE coverage figures from AT&T, Verizon and an independent third-party industry source reveal that Verizon holds about a 70,000-square-mile 4G coverage advantage nationally—a fraction of the 450,000-square-mile advantage touted by Verizon in communications to public safety for years, and as recently as last month.
SOURCE: Urgent Communications
DATE: March 5, 2020
Verizon’s web site includes a page stating that its 4G network covers “more than 2.68 million” square miles. Last week, an AT&T blog written by Chris Sambar—AT&T’s executive vice president, technology and operations—stated that AT&T’s 4G coverage area within the United States has expanded to 2.61 million square miles, driven largely by the carrier’s deployment efforts associated with its buildout of FirstNet, the nationwide public-safety broadband network (NPSBN).
This difference of about 70,000 square miles in 4G coverage is about 84% less than the “more than 450,000 square mile coverage advantage” cited repeatedly by Verizon representatives during the past two years. The 450,000-square-mile reference was used recently on the Verizon web site in a Feb. 12 press release, which also cited 4G coverage of more than 2.5 million square miles. READ MORE
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