New Technologies Expand Our Capabilities to Better Serve Bainbridge Island

BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, Wash., Nov. 21, 2019 — Bainbridge Island Police and Fire Departments are connecting our officers, firefighters and paramedics to FirstNet – a new communications platform just for public safety. With this tech advancement, we can equip our first responders with new capabilities and reliable access to critical information while in the field. That allows us to better serve those who live, work and visit Bainbridge Island.
FirstNet is designed to improve communications across public safety entities nationwide, allowing first responders to easily and quickly communicate with one another during everyday situations, big events or emergencies. This is integral to solving for the common roadblock that communications issues have posed on past public safety responses.
Bainbridge Island Police officers are using FirstNet on their smartphones and our Fire Department and paramedics are using smartphones and other devices.
“We looked at different providers and felt that FirstNet gave us the best communication option in a critical incident,” said Bainbridge Island Police Interim Chief Jeff Horn. “We are happy to join with the Bainbridge Island Fire Department and be one of the first tandems in the state to go with FirstNet.”
Bainbridge Island Police and Fire Departments joined FirstNet to provide our first responders with reliable, modern communications tools needed to perform at our best, including: • One, nationwide communications platform that allows us to efficiently and effectively coordinate emergency responses across agencies and jurisdictions. • Always-on priority and preemption to give us reliable access to the connection we need – even when the network is congested. • A separate, dedicated and highly secure network core purpose-built for public safety’s sensitive communications. • Planned increases in coverage and capacity, enabling us to better respond to emergencies in all areas of Bainbridge Island – and across the state. • Innovative tools – like relevant applications and connected devices – to give us more actionable information for heightened situational awareness.
“It’s critical that first responders have the ability to communicate effectively in all types of incidents,” said Bainbridge Island Fire Chief Hank Teran. “FirstNet provides both Bainbridge Island Police and Fire with this ability.”
FirstNet is built with AT&T in public-private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority). It’s designed with and for public safety. “We’re honored that Bainbridge Island Police and Fire Departments chose FirstNet to elevate their communications capabilities,” said Bob Bass, president of AT&T Washington. “It’s our mission to give first responders the cutting-edge tools they need to safely and effectively achieve their mission. FirstNet will help first responders in Bainbridge Island and across the country perform at the highest levels to keep themselves and those they serve out of harm’s way.”
“FirstNet is the exclusive communications platform being built with AT&T for public safety, inspired by public safety. There is no substitution for this dedicated network,” said Jeff Bratcher, Chief Technology and Operations Officer, FirstNet Authority. “We look forward to supporting Bainbridge Island and all of Washington’s public safety community with FirstNet, making sure it delivers what they need, when they need it.”
To learn more about Bainbridge Island Police and Fire Departments, visit these websites: Bainbridge Island Police and Bainbridge Island Fire.
To learn more about FirstNet, go to To learn more about subscribing to FirstNet, contact Jason Wilson at 208-340-1366 or Individual first responders can also subscribe to FirstNet at a local AT&T store.
FirstNet and the FirstNet logo are registered trademarks of the First Responder Network Authority. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
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