FirstNet subscribers—more than 11,000 public-safety agencies representing more than 1.2 million connection—have access to an expanding AT&T LTE network that covers more than 2.61 million miles in the U.S., making the coverage difference between AT&T and Verizon “nearly imperceptible,” according to an AT&T executive.

SOURCE: Urgent Communications
DATE: February 27, 2020
“We’ve been on a mission for some time now to make AT&T’s network not only the nation’s fastest and most reliable, but the nation’s largest,” Chris Sambar, AT&T’s executive vice president, technology and operations, said in a quote appearing in a blog on the AT&T web site. “Despite what Verizon claims with their grossly outdated statistics, the truth is we added significantly more coverage than any other wireless provider last year—making our total coverage difference nearly imperceptible. READ MORE
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