NEWS / PRESS RELEASE February 24, 2022
LAS VEGAS, Nev.— On Tuesday, the Public Safety Broadband Technology Association (PSBTA) along with the Public Safety Spectrum Alliance (PSSA) hosted the ten-year anniversary of the creation of FirstNet. During the event, many public safety officials such as Fire Chief Rich Carrizzo and Sheriff Michael Adkinson discussed the success of the FirstNet network which was established by Congress in 2012 creating the only nationwide dedicated public safety broadband wireless network.
At the event, FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel spoke about the Commission’s key role in supporting public safety. She cited several examples of how the Commission has recently addressed important public safety issues including 911 fee diversion and outage reporting requirements. Rosenworcel also spoke about the FCC’s current rule making process regarding the 4.9 GHz spectrum and its importance to public safety.
Rosenworcel said, “Back in 2012, Congress gave the FCC authority to use an innovative spectrum auction to help usher more spectrum into commercial wireless markets. The spectrum auction that we held in the 600 MHz band took full advantage of this authority—but then did one better. Because after auctioning the public airwaves we set aside the revenue raised for public safety. This was the seed funding for FirstNet. If you recall, under the law the first $7 billion in revenue raised from this auction went to set up our first nationwide network for first responders. It was a terrific idea—and it’s the network we’re celebrating here today. It’s time to do something similar for 911.” She went on to add that she supported the use of spectrum auction proceeds to fund the nationwide deployment of NG911.
Chief Chris Moore (Ret.) said, “Chairwoman Rosenworcel has shown many times over her career the strong passion and support she has for public safety.” Chief Jeff Johnson (Ret.) went on to say, “She has not only been supportive of public safety, but she “gets it.” She understands what public safety needs and how those needs translate into protecting our communities.”
The PSBTA and PSSA would like to thank Chairwoman Rosenworcel for her dedication and long-time support of public safety.
About PSSA
The Public Safety Spectrum Alliance (PSSA) is an alliance amongst the nation’s leading public safety leaders and associations. The PSSA is an initiative of the Public Safety Broadband Technology Association. The purpose of the PSSA is to ensure that first responders nationwide are able to use the most technologically advanced communications capability that meets the difficult, life threatening challenges they face as they protect America. Our goal is to raise awareness in the FCC, Congress and the White House about what our broadband public safety communications needs are, including use of 4.9 GHz and the continued enhancement of FirstNet—the only nationwide, interoperable wireless communications network built for the first responders who protect America.
The PSSA is open to anyone who supports the goals of this Alliance, including individuals and the private sector. To learn more, additional information and resources can be found at https://www.thepssa.org.
The Public Safety Broadband Technology Association (PSBTA) is an organization focused exclusively on ensuring the success of the entire FirstNet ecosystem that includes the legal entity created by Congress, the network infrastructure, hardware and software, and the single most important component—the end users.
Media Contact:
Martha Ellis
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