Horowitz cites FirstNet adoption during COVID-19 pandemic, expects momentum to continue

Public-safety entities are increasingly willing to adopt the nationwide public-safety broadband network (NPSBN) being built by AT&T—particularly as first responders recognize its value during the COVID-19 pandemic, FirstNet Authority board Chairman Ed Horowitz said this week.

SOURCE: Urgent Communications

DATE: July 31.2020

Horowitz said he believes FirstNet reached its “tipping point” last December, when AT&T reported more than 1 million FirstNet connections, more than 100 FirstNet devices, a robust App Catalog and more than 75% completion of the 700 MHz Band 14 LTE system.

“We’ve got devices. We have a network. We have a process whereby people are becoming aware of FirstNet and are using FirstNet—we’re getting real-life experiences,” Horowitz said during a featured session in the “PSCR 2020: The Digital Experience” event. “We’re in the mode now where [the question about] FirstNet is no longer, ‘What is it?’ but rather ‘What is it going to do for me?’ There is momentum that’s underway, and there’s constant growth.” READ MORE


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