FirstNet will provide the coverage, experience and next-generation technologies our first responders need and deserve
ATLANTA, Nov. 17, 2017 – Georgia is advancing communications capabilities for first responders. Governor Nathan Deal has accepted the FirstNet and AT&T* plan to deliver a wireless broadband network to the state’s public safety community. The FirstNet network will bring advanced technologies that will help Georgia’s first responders save lives and protect communities.
AT&T, in a public-private partnership with FirstNet, will build, operate and maintain a highly secure wireless broadband communications network for Georgia’s public safety community at no cost to the state. The FirstNet network will drive innovation and create a system of modernized devices, apps and tools for first responders.
“We are pleased Georgia is opting in to partner with FirstNet and AT&T to provide innovative communication technologies that will help us more effectively do our jobs,” said Georgia State Firefighters Association President Joey Hartley. “During emergencies, it is critical for us to have a fully functional network to communicate with one another and coordinate our response. There is no doubt FirstNet better equips us with the modern technology needed to save lives.”
Georgia’s decision to opt in enables FirstNet and AT&T to begin offering an entirely new wireless ecosystem for public safety communications and will transform the way fire, police, EMS and other public safety personnel communicate and share information.
“FirstNet will provide the coverage, experience and next-generation technologies our first responders need and deserve,” said Bill Leahy, president of AT&T Georgia. “AT&T is proud to work with Governor Deal to bring this dedicated, interoperable public safety broadband network to Georgia, and connect its public safety community to advanced technologies that will help save lives.”
Georgia’s first responder subscribers will have immediate access to quality of service and priority to voice and data across the existing nationwide AT&T LTE network. Preemption for primary users over the AT&T LTE network is expected by year-end. This means fire, police, EMS and other public safety workers will have dedicated access to the network when and where they need it – 24/7/365, like their mission.
For more information on FirstNet, please go to and For more about the value FirstNet will bring to public safety, please go to
November 17, 2017
News Media Contact:
Chrissie Coon (571) 599-0493
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