Public safety adopted FirstNet at its highest rate ever during the third quarter, resulting in the nationwide public-safety broadband network (NPSBN) providing more than 2.8 million connections to more than 18,500 agencies at the end of September, FirstNet contractor AT&T announced today.

SOURCE: Urgent Communications
DATE: October 21, 2021
Jeff McElfresh, CEO of AT&T Communications, noted the growth in FirstNet subscriptions as a key component of the carrier giant’s growth in its overall commercial mobile wireless business during the third quarter, when the company reported 928,000 net additions of postpaid customers.
“I’d also like to point out things like our FirstNet program. We’re starting to reach some scale here,” McElfresh told analysts during AT&T’s quarterly conference call, which was webcast. “In the third quarter, we posted the highest net-adds quarter since launching the program, and we’ve arrived at a position of leadership and strength in the law-enforcement segment under that public-safety sector.” READ FULL ARTICLE
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