FirstNet is supporting more than 1.5 million connections that are being used by more than 13,000 subscribing agencies through June, representing an adoption rate that likely doubles the number of FirstNet connections reported at this time last year, according to figures released today by AT&T, the nationwide contractor for FirstNet.

SOURCE: Urgent Communications
DATE: July 24, 2020
AT&T CEO John Stankey cited FirstNet as a “growth” area for the carrier but did not mention the nationwide public-safety broadband network (NPSBN) initiative during the company’s second-quarter earnings call this morning. During the same call, AT&T CFO John Stephens said that AT&T’s buildout of FirstNet “continues to run ahead of plan” and noted the role that the FirstNet deployment has played in allowing AT&T to offer low-band 5G nationwide—a milestone announced today.
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