Findings from outreach workshops with first-responder entities during the next several months will be used to help develop the FirstNet Authority’s roadmap that will outline the organization’s plans to invest about $15 billion into the FirstNet system during the next 23 years, according to a FirstNet Authority official.
SOURCE: Urgent Communications
DATE: April 3, 2019
Last month, the FirstNet Authority board approved four broad principles to guide the organization’s investment decisions. But these FirstNet Authority workshops are designed to provide a better understand public-safety workflows and communications, so the roadmap that is expected to be released later this year can be much more detailed than the guiding principles, according to Chris Algiere, the FirstNet Authority’s director of federal and national programs for public-safety advocacy.
“I think the intent is to have something out there sooner—rather than later—this year and to have enough specificity around it where somebody could pick it up, look at it and kind of understand what we’re looking at and where we’re going,” Algiere said during an interview with IWCE’s Urgent Communications during the Winter Institute on the campus of Texas A&M University.
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