AT&T : FirstNet Simplifies Service Contracts with NPPGov

It’s now even easier for public safety to sign up for FirstNet service using NPPGov. AT&T* worked with NPPGov – a government procurement vehicle – to simplify and broaden the FirstNet contracting process for public safety entities. Now, all FirstNet-eligible users can gain quick access to FirstNet through NPPGov.

DALLAS, July 26, 2018

FirstNet is the nationwide public safety communications platform dedicated to America’s first responders. Being built with AT&T, in public-private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority), FirstNet is bringing public safety a much-needed technology upgrade to help them connect to the critical information they need. Every day. And in every emergency.

There are 2 big changes to the NPPGov contract for FirstNet.

  • NPPGov members interested in signing up for FirstNet can now skip the contracting process altogether. The Public Procurement Authority (the lead public agency awarding the contract) signed state agreements, which lets customers access custom FirstNet pricing in their applicable state without signing a contract. This allows FirstNet customers to jump right into onboarding.
  • All FirstNet-eligible subscribers, who are existing NPPGov members or enroll for a membership, can now use NPPGov to sign up for service. NPPGov was originally only available to government entities. But with this change, the NPPGov contract for FirstNet is open to volunteer firefighters, private ambulance companies, hospitals, nonprofit organizations and more.

“As a former firefighter, I recognize the dramatic impact that FirstNet will have on public safety effectiveness and first responder safety,” said NPPGov President Crosby Grindle. “I believe FirstNet will change how public safety communicates. In its early stages, it’s already a valuable tool. And it will only get exponentially more valuable. So, I take pride in helping to facilitate and accelerate the adoption of FirstNet. By streamlining the contracting process, we can help get this potentially lifesaving service into the hands of first responders across the country.”

Plus, NPPGov offers members educational opportunities to learn more about FirstNet’s long-term benefits before signing up for service. NPPGov members can also take advantage of flexible terms and possible discounts, which aren’t always offered through cooperative contract providers.

“NPPGov’s updated procurement process for FirstNet takes contracting to the next level,” said Chris Sambar, senior vice president, AT&T-FirstNet. “First responders face plenty of challenges. Getting access to FirstNet shouldn’t be one of them. By removing the need to execute an additional contract, the NPPGov process makes it even quicker and easier for first responders to get up and running on their network.”

FirstNet is also available through other contracting vehicles. Public safety entities can use the contracting vehicle they prefer.

To become an NPPGov member, go to and click “Join Now.” Membership is free. For more about the value FirstNet is bringing to public safety, check out


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