
Former DOJ CIO Doesn’t Understand FirstNet is Stakeholder Driven

Last week The Hill ran an opinion piece by Mr. Vance Hitch that correctly made the valid point that this summer will be “a critical moment” for the States as they decide to opt-in to the FirstNet solution, opt-out and attempt to build their own, or do nothing. But that’s about all his “drive-by analysis” gets right.

Don’t Be Late For The Party!

We have all done this. Received an invitation to a party, the invitation had a range of time and you show up just before the party ends. What happens? Well the first thing is all the good refreshments are gone and the food platter has been picked over. Yes, you’re still going to eat and drink and your host will make sure you’re taken care of but it won’t be the same experience. So how does this apply to FirstNet?

All The Right Stuff

Yes, referring to the brave men that offered to do something nobody believed would or could happen. They all had done things that prepared them for what the missions would…

The Real Opt-Out, Opt-In Question

Isn’t the real question this?  Will public safety agencies actually opt-in to buy the service from AT&T, and use it?   Suddenly, FirstNet is real. It’s actually going to happen….

Snake Oil Pitches And Wooden Nickels

By Richard Mirgon, Public Safety Consultant I would like to start this article by making one distinction between myself and other people who write. That distinction is I am public…

FirstNet: The Wait Is Almost Over

FirstNet is working to give public safety officials our own dedicated, nationwide wireless network so we won’t have to compete with private users for access during emergencies or natural disasters.

All In: Betting Against Opt-Out

With FirstNet’s historic announcement of its selection of AT&T as its partner, we are about to achieve the promise of a state-of-the-art, nationwide, interoperable public safety broadband network.