Andrew Seybold, Inc. is the mobile wireless industry’s trusted resource for strategic consulting, research, and analysis. Your source for clarity, insights, predictions, and actionable knowledge that will guide you into the future. Our partners bring more than 180 years of wireless industry experience across the entire spectrum to every assignment.
Andrew Seybold has been involved in Public Safety and Public Safety Communications for more than fifty years, starting as a first responder and then working with RCA Mobile Communications, General Electric Communications, Biocom (where he helped develop the first paramedic radio for sending voice and EKG from an incident to a hospital), and Motorola. In 1981, he began his career as a consultant, educator, and author. For the past ten years, Mr. Seybold has been volunteering his time and efforts to the Public Safety community in its quest to build a nationwide, interoperable broadband communications network, and has worked closely with the Public Safety Spectrum Trust, The Public Safety Alliance, the Major City Chiefs Association, APCO, The International Chiefs of Police, the National Sheriff’s Association, and other organizations. Mr. Seybold is a board member and a Fellow of RCA. He received RCA’s Sarnoff Award; APCO’s President’s Award and Special Partnership Recognition Award; National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC) Special Recognition Award; National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) Presidents Award; and the Public Safety Spectrum Trust (PSST) Commendation.
Since 2010, Mr. Seybold has been publishing a weekly blog and news summary known as the Public Safety Advocate. He is recognized for his ability to turn highly technical jargon into prose that helps a broader audience understand what is happening in the world of FirstNet and Public Safety communications. His background includes consulting, writing, and educational seminars in the commercial cellular industry as well as a concentration on Public Safety communications, making him one of few people conversant with all sides of the wireless industry.