Big Differences in Voice
The bottom line is that none of these [broadband] networks can or do provide access to direct device-to-device voice communications services without the use of a cell site.
The bottom line is that none of these [broadband] networks can or do provide access to direct device-to-device voice communications services without the use of a cell site.
In the Senate we are asking for co-sponsors and support of S. 3756, The Public Safety and Wireless Innovation Act of 2010, introduced by Senator John (Jay) Rockefeller, IV (D-WV). In the House, H.R. 5081 introduced by Representative King, now with 68 sponsors, is the bill to support.
The Executive Branch of the Federal Government, or to be more precise, the White House CTO’s office, is setting up a September 1, 2010 meeting. “The intent of the meeting…
It is clear to me that at the core of this debate is the issue of who will actually control the D Block and manage how it is allocated when there is available capacity.
Let me say, in advance, that the area of public safety communications and its requirements is one of the most misunderstood aspects of wireless communications in government
As time for the press conference drew near, the buzz around all of this activity was giving those attending a sense that perhaps Public Safety, with the help of Congress, could really reach its goal of acquiring the D Block and funding for network build-outs.
Those preparing to float this Public Notice don’t seem to understand several facts. First, broadband service for images, video, data, and other applications is desperately needed by the public safety community. HOWEVER, broadband services CANNOT replace all of the various requirements for voice systems
This type of voice communications is not now available using cellular and wireless broadband networks, nor will it be well into the future. The devices we use to communicate over commercial voice and broadband networks are 100% reliant on being within range of a cell site.
It is clear that those involved in preparing the FCC white paper on capacity tried to make the results fit the recommendations they already included in their National Broadband Report to Congress.