PSCR Announces Innovation Accelerator Program Funding Opportunity

Up to $5 Million in Awards – Public Safety Innovation Acceleration Program User Interface Opportunity

Credit: Sergey Nivens

PSCR is excited to announce the Public Safety Innovation Accelerator Program – User Interface (PSIAP-UI) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). This new funding opportunity will accelerate research, development, production, and testing of user interface technologies and capabilities through the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).
The PSIAP-UI opportunity will provide grants or cooperative agreements for the development and implementation of technology that will enable PSCR and the public safety communications research community to test and measure effective user interfaces within an AR/VR environment. In order to advance public safety communications and enhance the effectiveness of first responder operations, PSIAP-UI funding will provide the opportunity for successful applicants to create AR/VR scenarios, user interfaces, and prototypes unique to public safety use cases.



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